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Divya Vrikkdoshhar Kwath

Natural and herbal products 100 % Vegetarian
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This is prepared of `pashan bhet`, `gokhru`, `punarnvamul`,`kulthi`, `varunachal` and other herbs, the consumption of which strengthens emission system. Its use dissolves stones, deposited in kidney or urine bladder. The complaint of repeated formation of stones is also treated. It is helpful in treating the infections inside the kidney and other kidney related diseases. In the stone problem in gall bladder too, it is useful. 

It is helpful in treating the infections inside the kidney and other kidney related diseases. In the stone problem in gall bladder too, it is useful. 

With Vrikkadoshahar kwath or ashmarihar kwath, 1-1 gram of ashmarihar juice causes extreme benefit. A mix of ancient formulae, with specific qualities. Tasty and effective kwath / decoction. Mix 5-10 grams of kwath in around 400 ml water and boil it, till residue is 100 ml. Filter it and take empty stomach in the morning, one hour before dinner or before going to sleep. If the taste of any kwath is acerbic, then, if you are not diabetic, mix honey or any other sweet item. If you are unable to take this decoction in more quantity, boil for a longer period and with less water content, filter it. Be alert that honey shall be mixed, when decoction is cool and not hot.

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